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On this page, you will find samples of some of my poetry.  Please consider buying my chapbook from the "Help Funding" page to read more!

Anything Else

Passive suicidal ideation

Is like cleaning the attic

You can have every intention of getting around to it

And you’ve been thinking about doing it for ten years

And it’s nice to know you always have that option on a rainy day

But once you get up there

And start moving boxes around

You suddenly realize that you would rather be doing

Literally anything else

A Love Poem

I found myself tonight

Crying into your chest


So you wouldn't wake up

I didn't want to wake you

I found myself tonight 

Thinking of the worst feelings

That I've experienced

The last Christmas with my grandma 

Seeing how truly old and sick she was

My mom crying as she held me

That night I gave her my blades 


So I wouldn't hear her

But I did

Stranded in Chicago with no phone 

Not being able to sleep in a strange city 

So alone and hurting

Walking to Walmart at three a.m.

Buying makeup and feeling ashamed 

Sitting in my car at three a.m. in a familiar city 

On lunch when I worked thirds

Crying in the light of the streetlamps


I found myself tonight

Hurting again

Wanting to wake you

But then you grabbed my hand in your sleep

Suddenly I realized

I'll never be that alone again

If I'm hurting, you can heal me

I found myself tonight

Staring at your face and memorizing it

Every crease

Every hair

Every crack on your lips

I found myself tonight in love

And the past stopped hurting

If only for tonight


I left coffee grounds

On the porch for you

I hope you like them

Counting the Years

In the summer of 2007

I started to count things

One, two, three, four, five

And I haven't stopped since

My life was out of control

And this I could control

I became obsessed with control

And I haven't stopped since

In 2008, my classmates would laugh at me

Because I spun around on the landing between the two staircases

I was afraid that if I turned around 

I would be further from center

And I'd never be able to get back again

Spinning around counter-acted the spinning of the staircase

In 2009, I started cutting my arm

One, two, three, four, five 

It would be years before I stopped

In 2010, if I touched something with my left hand

I had to touch it with my right

Because if I got out of balance

My world would fall in

In 2011, I slipped into a pond during science class

The school nurse sat with me outside as I cried while waiting for my mom

When I got home, I took a shower so long and hot

I had burns over all of my body

In 2012, the control and balance

I had obsessed with for so long

Were slipping away like marbles from an open hand

One, two, three, four, five

So I opened my skin to let it breathe

The blade in my hand all the control I needed

In 2013, I bought my first pack of cigarettes

And I haven't stopped since 

My future in my own hands, I'd burn them

One, two, three, four, five

And things started to look up

In 2014, I traded in five for twenty five

Because it was a perfect, square number

And after 25 shots of 1800

I opened both my wrists 25 times and tried to sleep, counting sheep

One, two, three, four, five

But the bleeding did stop 

In 2015, I finally stopped

On a day burned in my soul

The ninth of July

I stopped counting my steps

As long as I ended with my right foot

Before changing surfaces

I knew my mom would be okay

In 2016, I added a friend to my camels

In cherry and green apple skins, I smoked them

One, two, three, four, five

But my skin stayed together

In 2017, I wanted everything to stop

And it did

The clock stopped ticking 

The future stopped appearing

The bowls stopped smoking

And I'd count the tears as they fell on my pillows

One, two, three, four, five

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